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Mysql RDS​

Define a provisioned Mysql RDS instance to store application data.

engine: mysql
size: db.t3.micro
version: 8.0.34
disk: 10
multi-az: yes
backup-retention: 3


  • [engine] - The Mysql RDS database instance type. Required
  • [size] - The compute and memory capacity of the database instance. Required
  • [version] - The database version. Default value is 8.0.23.
  • [disk] - The allocated storage size, specified in GB. Default value 5.
  • [multi-az] - Specifies if the database instance is deployed to multiple Availability Zones for HA. Default value no.
  • [backup-retention] - The number of days to keep snapshots of the database. Default value is 30.

Mysql Aurora​

Define a serverless Mysql Aurora v1 instance to store application data.

See supported regions at aws docs.

engine: aurora
version: 5.7.mysql-aurora.2.08.3
min-capacity: 1
max-capacity: 1
backup-retention: 3
auto-pause: 300


  • [engine] - The Mysql RDS database instance type. Required
  • [version] - The database version. Default value is 5.6.10a.
  • [min-capacity] - The minimum capacity units for a Serverless Aurora cluster.
  • [max-capacity] - The maximum capacity units for a Serverless Aurora cluster.
  • [backup-retention] - The number of days to keep snapshots of the database. Default value is 30.
  • [auto-pause] - The time, in seconds, before a Serverless Aurora cluster is paused. Default is pause disabled.