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Object Storage​

Define a S3 object storage bucket for application media storage.

access: private
versioning: yes
version-expiration: 1
expiration: 1
expiration-prefix: '/tmp'


  • [access] - Access policy of the bucket. (Supported: private and public-read). The default value is private.
  • [versioning] - Enable versioning to keep a backup if objects change. The default value is no. (Supported: yes, no, suspended)
  • [version-expiration] - Remove non-current object versions after days (set to 0 to disable). The default value is 0.
  • [expiration] - Remove objects after days (set to 0 to disable). The default value is 0.
  • [expiration-prefix] - Optional key prefix for expiring objects. (Example: can be set to /tmp to automatically remove objects from tmp folder).