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Deploy your first laravel app

Step 1: Create new laravel application and open project root​

composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
cd example-app

Step 2: Install laravel helper package​

This package provides a number of helper scripts to run laravel application smoothly behind environment.

composer require unload/unload-laravel

Step 3: Generate manifest and bootstrap infrastructure​

This is guided command which will ask a series of questions to produce the right setup. It might take a while until network and continuous integration stacks are provisioned in your aws account.

Follow the on-screen prompts until the setup is fully complete.

unload bootstrap

Step 4: Deploy application stack​

unload deploy

CloudFormation outputs from deployed stack.

Key AppCloudfrontDomains
Description Application cloudfront domains

Key AppCloudfrontURL
Description Application cloudfront url

Key AppAssetBucketArn
Description Application assets bucket arn
Value arn:aws:s3:::unload-production-example-app-cl-assetsbucket-f587943ataxn

Optionally, open application dashboard to see all provisioned resources.

unload dashboard